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#EveryIndianVolunteering is an effort by IWT to engage Indians in volunteering for various causes. Our goal is to see every Indian eventually volunteer for at least 52 hours a year (1 hour a week on average). As part of the effort, we


  • Build and engage the ecosystem of organisations engaged in volunteering at scale in India- cutting across nonprofits, civic and citizenship networks, corporates, communities, educational institutions, govt bodies, religious and spiritual organisations, volunteering intermediaries and informal groups. 

  • Help organizations think through and figure out how to recruit volunteers at scale (>500 volunteers each).

  • Design and test pilots in partnership with various organisations, research, learn and share learnings with the ecosystem.

  • Convene interactions and curate learning opportunities for the volunteering ecosystem players. 

  • Where relevant, provide funding to help scale up volunteering work significantly.



  • We worked closely with to create a volunteering section on their site that engaged 20,000+ volunteers in 2021-22.

  • We've helped iVolunteer and Bhumi organize Volcon, a volunteering conference.

  • We've provided financial support worth over Rs3 crores to 15+ organisations between 2022-2024.

  • We support a "Volunteer Leader Fellowship" programme led by ATMA, supporting 5 NGOs in Mumbai with a full time volunteer coordinator Fellow.

  • We just launched India's first Volunteering Incubator-

  • We've published several research reports on volunteering, including the latest one on Volunteering in India's Top 100 Companies. 



We're eager to see how we can help organisations scale up their volunteering. Reach out to us at megha dot iwt at gmail dot com, if you are


  • An org that engages hundreds or thousands of volunteers or citizens, but would like to scale this up significantly, clocking at least 100,000 volunteering hours a year or more. 

  • A platform with a large user base (at least 1 million +) that would like to engage its user base in volunteering or civic engagement.

  • An entrepreneur or "would be entrepreneur" who wants to work on scaling up volunteering and civic engagement in India.

  • A funder who'd like to support the volunteering/civic engagement ecosystem in India and would like to explore co-funding initiatives.

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